Interfaith Families

Many of us at Temple Beth Orr are part of families who find spirituality and connection through a number of faiths. The prophet Isaiah says “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples,” and it is our goal that our House of Light be open to all people as well.

All of our worship services are conducted in both English and Hebrew, and all Hebrew has transliteration so that those who are unfamiliar with the Hebrew letters can read along. Everyone in our Temple family is invited to participate in services, including life cycle events, as well as partake in any study session, social or communal event, and most committee meetings.

If you have children, please know that we embrace diversity in both our Kuhn Early Childhood Center and Rosenberg Religious School. We follow the official Reform Jewish resolution of 1983 concerning who is a Jew:

A child of one Jewish parent, who is raised exclusively as a Jew and whose Jewish status is “established through appropriate and timely public and formal acts of identification with the Jewish faith and people” is Jewish.

We are grateful for the partners and grandparents of other faiths who have the commitment to raise youth in the Jewish tradition. We acknowledge and celebrate the many wonderful and participatory Jewish families in which one parent is not Jewish.

This online article contains more information about interfaith families within the Reform movement of Judaism: Interfaith Families: Reform Judaism Welcomes You